Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...
Okay, so it's cold and snowing... well, the rain has turned into soft ice that is coating my part of the world like icing. It looks very pretty until it's starts to get all slushy and dirty. It's starting to look like icing that has been regurgitated now (i.e. vomit).
But I'm not complaining. If there's snow, soon there will be ice, then there will be ice skating (and then there will be hospital for me no doubt).
I've been thinking recently about how much Finland has changed in the past few decades. It is certainly not the Finland of my childhood stories. Though I guess up North and in the country things are probably a bit different to down here in the sophisticated big city (he he he).
My Grandfather refused to believe that there could be "dark" Finns. Now, I catch the bus everyday with more Finns from Africa, Asia and the Middle East than Finns born in Finland!
I appreciate living in a multicultural city and I'm glad I have the opportunity to get to know people from these different cultures. But to be honest, and I don't know if this is good or bad, it's not often it ever occurs to me people are from a different country. I am honestly surprised at times when my friend from Kenya will make a reference to himself being black. It doesn't even register that there is a difference most of the time. Is this being culturally insensitive or am I just really unconcious to my surroundings?
The other day I was walking down the street and a woman caught my attention for two reasons. Firstly because she was talking in a strong English accent very loudly, and secondly because she had the most amazing afro I'd ever seen. So after I passed her I took a second look back at her hair. She then started yelling (not specifically at me) that "yes, people do come from different places and have different coloured skin". For a minute I was considering putting on my broadest Aussie accent and telling her that I realised that, but thought better of it.
I have not been a minority very often. In Japan I was and to be honest I really didn't notice much racism. I know others did and once again, maybe I just didn't realise it. But I do think that at times people can be misunderstood and misrepresented as rascist simply because they look like the majority.
A friend here was telling me about the number of people who have accused her of being racist simply because she didn't agree with their ideas and opinions. This friend is certainly not racist or prejudiced in the slightest.
My own mother once suggested I was anti semetic because I didn't like a certain book which happened to be written by a Jewish author. I was incredibly insulted by this suggestion, especially as one of my closest friends is Jewish and at the time I lived in the Jewish part of Melbourne! I am not anti semetic... I just didn't like that book.
The thing I am learning about people is that it doesn't matter where you come from or what you believe in... everyone is much the same. Within my group of multicultural friends race is NEVER an issue. I doubt any of us even give it a second thought. We are just us and that's all there is to it.
I also don't understand why people are so insulted if you dare suggest they come from elsewhere than there home country. People have assumed I come from England, Canada, America, New Zealand, Sweden (before I speak) and Finland. I couldn't care less. Why do Canadians get so insulted if they are asked if they are from the US? And Indians if they are from Pakistan?
There is no insinuation... I'm just curious. It may be negligence on my part to not recognise certain characteristcs of different countries but it is not meant to be malicious or rude.
I think everyone should stop pretending it matters where you are from and concentrate on the really important aspects of life... like simply enjoying it without the added complications. History is history. It should be remembered and respected but not used as a weapon.
Thus ends my soapbox rant...
If I managed to offend anyone than you missed my point.
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