another rant.
I know I shouldn't blog after drinking... however, I really feel like sharing... aren't you all lucky to recieve my 3am insights???
So, I turned on my computer tonight and there was a photo of Bonnie's Grill in Brooklyn on my desktop... that was cool. Then I turned on my itunes and the first tune to come on was Nico "These Days"... that was cool too. However, no emails and no-one online... that was not cool. Why can't you all anticipate my moods and be online when I feel like talking to you!!!!
I've had a strange night... For a start I spent 4 hours on my own downstairs at work ironing and folding napkins - BORING!!!!!
But my boss was REALLY REALLY nice. Strange... disconcerting... but appreciated.
Then after work, my bosses (yes, two of them at once!), my workmates, and I listened to Lebanese music, drank Tunisian wine and got a little pissed together. Now, it's quite common (like every night) for my wokmates and I to have a few drinks after work, but for my bosses to as well.... that's just weird! I felt like I was in an episode of the twilight zone.
(And to those who read these and feel the need the comment... I'm 26 years old and there is nothing wrong with having a couple of drinks after work... I am not an alcoholic!!!!!)
Anyway, it was nice to just hang out with my bosses... comforting to discover they ARE human and I actually have something in common with them ( I like wine and coffee and hate shopping). However, I am a little wary about being lulled into a false sense of security... but to quote one of my workmates... "same shit".
It's strange how some people can be so nice and normal at times but then be the exact opposite at most other times
I also discovered today that people read this blog (or at least a couple of people do). I don't know if they find it interesting or if they just have excessive time on their hands and need to waste it... either way, I'm happy! I guess it's better to be a waste of someone's time than nothing...
My new favourite word is belligerent. 19 year old Finnish/German security guard - behaves belligerently at house parties and will not be invited again!
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