I have just re-read the last few blogs I wrote and I realise how boring they are. So I'm going to try and write something interesting... if not for your benefit, then just for my own.
I have been reading lots of other people's blogs recently and I am amazed at how honest people are... I mean, I guess I kind of shot myself in the foot by putting my real name on this, but even so, I couldn't be so honest. Actually, it's not that I can't be honest... there are just lots of things I don't want people to know about me.
I feel quite voyeuristic except that it's not so much scandal that interests me... just people's normal lives. I find it fascinating that these people think that others will find their lives interesting and that others DO find them interesting is even more intriguing.
(Just in case people I know are getting the wrong idea, I'm not talking about anyone's blog in particular).
So, maybe people are actually interested in the boring mundane details of my life. Maybe I should do a day in the life of... type blog. But I'll have to wait until I have an interesting day - but then that defeats the purpose of sharing the mundane details.
Okay... so here's what I did today:
Woke up late.
Tried to figure out how much of my dream was real and how much was just the dream.
Checked my email.
Discovered a job offer from Japan to teach children.
Felt irritated.
Tried to call Berlitz about a job.
Discovered the manager was on holidays for 3 weeks.
Had a brief moment of missing Japan and the lack of holidays for management.
Emailed other language schools and fixed up my resume.
Felt discouraged.
Felt hungry.
Cooked a meal out of the few ingredients left in my fridge... fried zucchini and onion, rye bread and fish fingers.
Ate it.
Still felt hungry.
Tidied my flat.
Went to the supermarket
Bought vegies, meatballs and icecream.
Ate icecream.
Ate more icecream
Felt sick.
Then I had to lie down for awhile to rest my foot.
So I continued knitting my scarf.
Then I had some more icecrea.
Felt sick again.
Read some of my book.
Spoke to my friend.
Knitted again.
Cooked spagetti and meatballs for dinner.
Ate more icecream.
Read other people's blogs and decided my life was boring.
Decided to write about my life just to fully convince myself how boring my it was.
Maybe people would be interested in the mundane details of my life if I could manage to make them sound less mundane. Perhaps list form is not the most engaging form of writing... something to think about.
Tomorrow I will try to only do things that will look good on this blog.
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