Today I am having one of those days where I feel like everything is just a little out of my reach. Things seem so simple on paper... but when you try to put it into practice suddenly it's all so difficult.
But despite that... the weather was beautiful, I'm not hungover and I feel like writing. So here is what I did today...
The day started off on a sour note I was rudely awakened TWICE by my housemate's "boy"friend (I use that term loosely as he has to be in his 60's... my housemate is also around the same age so no reason to be disturbed) shouting. I'm not sure what he was saying or to whom, but I believe he is a little nuts so I decided not to ask.
So I stayed in bed until he left, counting the hours until I get to move into my own sweet house far away from aging alcoholics (apart from myself of course). Then I got up and decided to have pulla for breakfast (pulla is basically sweet buns... therefore I had cake for breakfast) and coffee. Neither of these were available in my house so I had to walk (!) to my local cafe and very convincingly ordered in Finnish. Feeling very proud, I then proceeded to check my account (also in Finnish, but just pressing buttons randomly) and found I hadn't been paid. Then I spilt my coffee all over my pulla.
Realising my beautiful friend Kati was on her way over to help me (i.e. do it all for me) with my computer issues, I rushed back to my apartment to shove clothes in cupboards and sweep the dust further under my bed.
Kati came and solved my computer issues... far too easily for my liking... so now I can import and upload photos! YAY!
So I cooked her lunch:

Roasted capsicums stuffed with rice, eggplant and chili... mmmmm.
Then somehow wasted 3 hours "researching" on the net and editing all my photos.
After realising how unproductive I had been I decided to go for a walk around my area... Ruoholahti. People say it's Helsinki's Venice... if this is true I am never going to Venice.
Kinda pretty though...
All that fresh air made me feel like being physical... but due to lack of boyfriend I decided to go and join Kati and her friends for a game of rugby. As soon as I arrived and discovered what a ridiculous game rubgy is, all notions of sportiness dissolved and I took some photos instead and daydreamed about... stuff.

After rugby... well, actually after half an hour of it (it's not a very interesting game to watch... especially when they take the tackling out of it... I mean, what's the point then????) I wandered back to my apartment to find it blissfully empty.
So now I have the evening and 3/4 of a bottle of gin all to myself. The evening is going very quickly though... unlike the bottle of gin... perhaps this will be my alcohol free night this month, I mean week.
Life goes on and somehow I manage to also.