A quick break from my usual cynical outlook on life...

The thing I love most about life is that I am amazed and delighted by something every day. I'm not sure if that's just because I'm easy to please or just because I allow myself to be.
Tonight I was walking home (on the verge of tears my feet hurt so much) and I passed a group of Asian tourists (or so I assumed) who were sitting on the harbour singing. And none of this drunken crappy singing, but really inspired singing. I mean, they were probably pissed but at least they were doing something productive and creative with their lack of inhibitions instead of staggering around and yelling slurred insults at me like most other drunks.
They made me smile all the way home...
I have all these wonderful people in my life and I know that this is what it's all about. Not money, not power or fame or anything like that... just about experiencing people and being able to smile every day.
So there's my positive thought for the day... for all those who thought I didn't have it in me.
Very moving. Profound even. Nina, you okay?!
I can tell we're all going to be sentimental drunks tonight telling each other "iluvsyall, yermabestmayyyyyte"
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