Stairs and Friends...
Why would someone think it was a good idea to put a flight of stairs in a busy restaurant? I mean, carrying plates all night and running between tables is usually exhausting enough, but now I have to run up this fucking flight of stairs at least 30 times a night. I am so incredibly tired. My feet hurt, my back hurts, my spirit is slowly being whipped into submission...
I'm too old for this shit.
Ok, whinge over... moving on... to...
I have new girlfriends! And not just one, but THREE!!! I don't think I've ever had three girlfriends at the same time. I must be sending out some kind of feminime distress signals or something. I feel a bit silly getting so excited about meeting girls, but it's not that easy. The older you get the harder it is to make friends.
By this age people are married, or are too busy with work, or too firmly entrenched in their own little circle of friends to even consider putting the time and effort into a new friendship. I mean, we're always looking for lovers, but so few people (in my own personal experience) seem to be looking for friends. I think I am going to give up on looking for a partner and put the same amount of effort into making and maintaining a few really good friends.
Got to be some karmic advantages also...
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