I'm still here...
I'm balancing on a tightrope at the moment. My head is spinning, my mouth is dry and I'm scared. It's exhilirating at the same time though. Teetering precariously over the vast space, the infinite nothing that lies below. Dramatic sounding? I know, but it's how I feel right now.
Decisions. Too many. Too few. Everything seems to be a contradiction.
I can't sleep. I can't wake up. My mind is racing about three months ahead of my body and I'm exhausted trying to keep up.
But don't worry. I may not be talking much, but I'm thinking and I'm getting there... wherever "there" may be.
"When you feel like you're sinking, keep treading water until you're so tired you think you'll drown. But you won't. You just float to the surface again."
I thought it last year and I'm thinking it again.
Disconnection, extension. Continuing down that hazy road... I didn't see all the rocks in my way and they are proving to be difficult to negotiate.
But a few scraped knees and bruised ankles never hurt anyone right?
...I hear you mate - feeling a little the same way meself!...WOOHOO!....
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