Things I find really hard to do...
Sometimes I think I have a part of my brain missing... the part that can figure out how to get photos off my digital camera on to my computer and various other problems like this. I hate the fact that I am a very independant woman, living alone in a foreign country, supporting myself financially and emotionally... yet I can't work my fucking camera or computer. So, I have to email friends that live in far away countries for techinical support and I feel like I've failed a simple test. But then I think, well... maybe my brain is just not wired for this kind of thought process.
I had an interesting discussion with my friend the other day about learning disabilities. She helps to make everyday information accesible to people who have trouble understanding it. Stuff like bus timetables and so forth... (that's part of her job anyway). I found this really interesting because I often struggle understanding types of information and instructions, and I feel really stupid and embarrassed about it and it made me think how hard it would be to struggle everyday with seemingly simple things... or at least things other people find simple.
That's it though... everyone is made so differently that "simple" can only be a concept. It's totally subjective. I find remembering the words to hundreds of songs simple... but many other things very complicated.
Almost anything to do with computers baffles me. I didn't grow up with them and I don't feel comfortable with them. I have a Mac now which are relatively simple but I don't know how to use 80% of it. What's a script editor? Where do my downloads actually go?.
The whole concept of the internet still amazes me and I have absolutely no idea how it works. When I asked someone what a blog was they thought I was joking and explained it as they would to someone who used the internet for more than email... so I had to ask three other people before I understood.
And even in my own industry of music, most of the time I'm bull shitting just so people don't think I'm a dumb blonde singer... even if they are correct in that assumption!
Don't get me wrong- I love learning about things... everything, anything... but I just find it hard to understand or retain certain information.
When you travel and live abroad people ask you lots of questions about your homw country... like: How big is it? What's the population? blah blah blah... I know none of this. I know it's ignorant, but it's not like I haven't tried to learn it. I'm just not interested so I don't remember. I don't find this information about any countries particularly interesting. I'd prefer to know, what the music scene is like? What kind of cultural festivals and traditions do they have? But, I'm getting off my point.
My point is... actually to be honest I didn't have one.
I guess I'm wondering if it's bad that I don't remember the amount of people in Melbourne... or good that I remember almost everyone's name that I've ever met.
However... I still can't import my bloody photos! (Although I did manage to get the batttery out of the camera to recharge it... it took 30 minutes but eventually I did it, and that's what's important!)
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