Why am I here? The eternal question...

This blogging thing is proving to be much harder than I thought...
I'd like to just use it to tell people what's happening, but nothing much is happening. But then that's not true either.
I feel like I have found somewhere that I want to live for a long time. I'm not entirely sure why... maybe I'll have changed my mind after Winter, but I feel home. For the first time in so many years I feel like I'm home.
Talk about discovering my roots!!!
Since I have been here everything keeps falling into place. I found a job I like (despite the various associated problems) and a job that has totally inspired me to do something else for myself. I will explain more about this later...
I think I have found a really nice apartment. I know I have found lots of wicked friends and I keep meeting more.
It's like everything I need at the moment is presenting itself to me, almost gift wrapped it's so easy. This, naturally, makes me a little nervous.
I can't help thinking it could all go to shit so quickly... but I am just ignoring that niggling thought and concentrating on where life will take me next.
Helsinki is a funny place. It seems to be quite extreme. There is this really underground cool culture of creative types who seem to stay underground. I am beginning to meet them, but in basements! And then above ground there is this strange world where during the day everyone moves kind of slowly, all look very similar and wear socks with sandals. During the night they move even slower in and out of the bars. Of course, I am generalising to the extreme here. But this is my overall impression. It's a strange place.
It's very casual too. My friends and I got very dressed up the other night and went out on the town to all the fanciest bars and restaurants. The kind of dressed up that would be totally normal for a night out in London and everyday wear in Tokyo, but in Helsinki people really looked... and looked... and looked. I mean, we are three wonderfully sophisticated women so it's not surprising, but normally it would create such a stir. It's nice to go to so much effort and be noticed though...
I'm not really sure what I'm trying to explain here... I guess I want to describe the atmosphere of this place. There is something intangible about it... but it's something quite comforting and this is why I think I will live here for awhile.
I think things happen because they are supposed to and I think I'm beginning to realise why I felt so strongly about coming here. I'll keep you posted as things progress...
Blogging isn't just about the everyday happenings. Somewhere along the line it becomes less and less about the individual posts. This was an interesting read, keep it up. I'm happy for you and I'm glad you've seems to have found your little corner of the world.
Keep on writing, find other interesting blogs and read them and don't stop living. Wow, how hallmark of me!
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