How long do I have to wait for you baby?
Not a week goes by at the moment when I don't manage to injure myself or get sick. Last week I woke up with a pinched nerve in my hip, the week before I had an annoying cold, the week before that, I don't even remember but God knows I wasn't healthy.
And this week I managed to sprain my foot. Not my ankle this time, but my foot. At least there is a good story to this one!
It all began with a new pair of shoes and a 50 year old woman named Sharon Jones...
On Thursday night we went to see Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings and it was possibly one of the best gigs I've seen. And those who know me understand what a big statement that is.
The support group were the highly esteemed Finnish jazz quintet, The Five Corners Jazz Quintet, named after the five corner intersection here in Helsinki. I hadn't heard these guys before and I gotta say I was impressed... and that was before the rum and coke! They played a tight set of latin and hard bop and the drummer kicked ass.
However, as soon as the Dap-Kings hit the stage they were all but forgotten.
Decked out in matching suits, the 7 piece band didn't waste any time getting down and funky. The crowd was already grooving and Ms Jones was nowhere in sight. The bass player sang and mc'd for the first 4 songs and then when the crowd was at boiling point out came the lady of the hour.
If I look like this when I'm 50 I'm going to bottle my blood and sell it on Ebay.
Dressed in high ankle boots and a skirt that barely stayed below her ass, she strutted out onto the stage and hit it.
I could not stop dancing or smiling the minute she hit that stage.
She has the kind of voice you thought only existed on records nowadays and her dancing put James Brown to shame.
But wait, you're all asking yourselves... how did I sprain my foot? Dancing? No. Did someone step on it? No.
Sharon liked to pull people up on stage to dance with her and naturally, being the total show off that I am, I found myself up there shaking what my Mama gave me in front of a packed house. I even sang a bit with her! Despite the fact that it was the first time I'd ever heard the song! Ah, funk... it's just like jazz. But it was such an awesome experience. She said I represented Helsinki! I didn't have the heart to tell her I'd only been here for a few months.
So then I was getting off the stage with the help of two charming men... two charming men who didn't really help much at all and left me crashing toward the ground in 3 inch heels. So that's how I initially hurt my foot. But then I kept dancing for another hour and walked halfway home... that's how I really fucked it!
It was a shame that I hurt it particularly when we were back stage sharing an apple with Ms Jones and the boys and were invited to the after party (after all of them "checking" that I didn't have a boyfriend... musicians are sooo subtle). But I was in far too much pain by that stage, both rums and the Jalo had worn off by this stage.
However I did hang around long enough to be told that my dancing made the bass player lose count and that I got them all grooving. I must admit, that was really nice to hear. Oh, and they liked my singing too!
So with funk and compliments ringing in my ear, the rum and cokes wearing off in my blood and pain shooting up my leg, I hobbled home to lie flat on my back for the next two days. Ah, life sweet life!
Helsinki.... I represent you! And if I represent you... you're in trouble!
Aah, yes, dancing when you should have your feet up and wrapped in ice... I know all about that one!
I like your commitment to dance!
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