The doctor rang and there is a small fracture in my foot.
So instead of a few weeks of recovery, now it's many weeks AND I am supposed to get hard soled shoes to help mend it.
WTF??? I mean, I don't want a cast, but hard soled shoes? They are going to be so expensive! I wonder if Dr. Marten's count as hard soled... not that I've actually seen any here but I'm sure I could find them.
Crap crap crap double crap.
And the most disappointing thing (apart from not being able to dance) is not being able to go to gym class. I was getting into this whole gym junkie thing! But I've made an great exercise play list and am choreographing a non-foot routine for myself.
Now I just need someone to stand in my room and yell encouraging things at me in Finnish!
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