It took me two hours of waiting outside various co-ordinators doors numbing my mind with pulp fiction, but I did it. I applied for Uni again. Of course I still have to do an entrance exam and actually decide if I want to become a poor student again ... but at least I took the first step. So far I'm doing pretty well on my New Year's Resolutions...
Life's good at the moment. Not just for me, but it seems almost everyone I know is on the up (even if they feel like they're not). I'm so happy to be surrounded by awesome, supportive friends who don't diss me too much about my annoying regression to early 90s slang, dude. I have my internet back and although my computer and my phone keep having little seizures and dying on me, I'm still connected to the rest of the world ... however sporadically.
So, here's the latest:
I applied to study social psychology at Helsinki University ... now just need to do exam and convince them that I am actually the same person as written on my degree (it still has my old surname and of course I don't have any documentation stating that I've changed it ... maybe i can just refer them to an old website with my photo???)
I have moved (yet again) in with my lovely workmate H, who has a lovely big apartment with a WONDERFUL kitchen that I can't leave alone. I will probably gain 10 kilos in the next month just because I can't stop cooking!
Travelling Diva has returned from her travels and we are getting to know each other in real life (opposed from cyber life) and have discovered that we still love each other. She even let me cut her hair after drinking 1/2 bottle of wine!
I am still going to Finnish lessons and I am recognizing new words every day.
I feel inspired and loved and keep having moments of bliss that are totally unchemically influenced!
And I'm going to Berlin for Easter! I'm sooooo excited...
I've been talking and thinking a lot about relationships lately. A good friend who has been very unlucky in love has recently begun a new relationship that has the potential to be "IT". When I first heard the news I felt really odd. Kind of envious, kind of disappointed, but also elated for her. I was envious because she is so happy and can plan her life with someone. I still want this feeling and I miss saying "our tomatoes", not enough to accept any proposals though.
I felt disappointed because I was inspired by her strong independent singleness. She was supposed to be my partner in crime, but now she's going to be all in love. I know she won't dump me, but I still feel a little left out.
But I mainly felt happy because she was happy and I can see them happy together. And also because my first thought wasn't "I want a boyfriend" but "I'm still happy being on my own". I love being single. I know this sounds like a big feminist trip, but I'm not trying to convince myself. I can't imagine being in a relationship and feeling as happy and free as I do now.
I'm so glad that lots of my friends are in happy relationships and I wish them the best of luck, but I also hope that my friends who aren't will realise that it's not essential and you can feel like a full person without a partner.
I like the fact that here in Finland Valentine's Day is actually called Ystävänpäivä ... which translates as Friend's Day. A sentiment I much prefer at the moment.
I cried when I read this. (I cried while I am writing this!). I bought you special socks for Ystavan Paiva but I don't know if I will get them to you on the day. Do we still have "our cheesecake", "our wine", "our bechemel sauce"? Love you. TD
Good luck on the exams! Hope you rock the admissions. Education's always good - actually you'r emotivating me to check into more schoolin' myself :)
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