Happy happy joy joy... (and no, I'm not intoxicated)
I can't stop smiling. I'm not even sure why...
I could very well be unemployed in a week, I haven't done a thing in the past few days, it's 4 am... but fuck, I'm happy.
Why am I happy?
Hmmm.... many reasons.
I'm happy because:
I can walk to work in the dark and appreciate the lights in the trees while sipping on my lukewarm soy latte.
I can still enjoy my job even though at any moment I know my boss may start screaming at me.
I know how to tell people what the house aperitive is in Finnish.
I can recommend wine with authority.
I have had two international phone calls in the past few days from people who simply rang to say they were thinking of me.
I have had two friends tell me how much they love me in the past 24 hours.
I salsa danced last night.
I don't have to go to work tomorrow.
My hair has grown past my shoulders.
I get to go to work on Monday.
My ankle doesn't hurt that much anymore.
The rain was so light tonight that it felt like being covered in dew.
I am young, healthy, alive and determined to remain this way.
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